International businesses rules

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Golden rules on International business

If you think go beyond your current market and expend business on the new field this rules might be very helpful for you.

  •  Avoid making instant judgments or assumptions about people from different cultures regarding their working style.
  • We are recommend you to make some research about other business culture style. Great example is Japan where they have own style for businesses.
  • Also very important is how do you see your Leadership style. You have to be very flexible to learn new way for communicate and solving problems.
  • Not all problems encountered in international situation are result of cultural difference. The issue could be personality-based, technical or commercial.
  • Just because people do things differently in another country does not mean that they are necessarily wrong in their approach. It should be important for you to understand the difference.
  • A good Idea is a good idea regardless of where it originates - it's mean if something work different market doesn't must work on your origin.
  • Not always you have to agree with ideas from head office, you can have different point of the view on some aspect, but always you have to respect the decision.
  • When communicating with people who are speaking another language, do not over-estimate their linguistic abilities. It's mean if someone not speak well on second language its not mean that person is't good on their profession. Find the communication bridge with those people to keep always good relation.

Be open for new people, new ideas, new culture - isn't anything more excited than learn new things from great people around the world.

  Also this article might be interesting for you:   What is your international experience? Share with us your story on comment!

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